Unlocking Your Website's Potential: COLAB's Website Audit Service

Ralph Otto author photo
Ralph Otto Chief Product Officer
Website Audit service promotion

Maintaining a healthy, high-performing website is crucial if you’re looking to drive results for your business. However, identifying and addressing potential weak spots can be a frustrating game of guess and check. To help you avoid this, we offer a comprehensive evaluation service called a website audit. We designed this audit to provide insights into your website’s health and guide strategic improvements.

Our audit offers a thorough analysis across various facets of your website. From design and functionality to user experience, the audit identifies areas that may hinder your site’s performance and success. Instead of focusing narrowly on a single element, this holistic review provides a broad understanding, setting the stage for informed decision-making. If you haven’t touched your website in a while or don’t know where to start, this service can be particularly beneficial.

Why get a website audit?

One of the audit’s key offerings is pinpointing crucial weak spots and performance barriers based on your industry and standard practices. We’ve had dozens of clients who invested in the wrong areas of the website before they worked with us. The work should concentrate on what will make the most significant impact on departmental goals. Our experiences have taught us to identify where a website is failing and how to improve it, efficiently addressing the areas of performance failure.

The output of our audit work is a report. A web developer on your team, a 3rd party development partner, or COLAB can use the report to remediate issues. By providing clear direction, including the “why” behind our recommendations, you will have a clear roadmap of where to put your energy to make your website more effective.

Here are a few reasons some of our clients have hired us for website audits:

  • Declining Metrics: If your site metrics are trending downward and there isn’t a clear cause, you may need external help diagnosing the issue. Sometimes, this is related to competitor or industry trends; sometimes, it is a confluence of problems that must be identified and addressed.
  • Health Check: Some issues may go unnoticed if you or an in-house team manages your website. After all, most in-house teams have responsibilities outside the web, and much of the day may concentrate on keeping the business running versus taking a big-picture perspective. Occasional high-level audits to measure the health of your website by a 3rd party ensure that it is up to current standards, minimize risks to the business, and identify ways to maintain optimal performance.
  • Build Audit: If you’ve recently redesigned your website, you may be surprised by unexpected changes to site performance against goals. In this case, we suggest a website audit to find and address the problems quickly to avoid long-term negative consequences.

What do you get with a website audit?

A website audit typically includes a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of a website to assess its performance, identify issues, and suggest improvements.

The audit process involves several steps reviewing the following areas for issues and opportunities:

  • Website Strategy: Evaluate your site against goals and industry standards to identify missing features.
  • Design and User Experience: Assess brand alignment and usability to enhance conversion rates.
  • Platform and Infrastructure: Review CMS controls and adherence to platform best practices.
  • Site Health: Conduct SEO, performance, and accessibility checks.

Once complete, we document findings in a detailed report with screenshots and links to problem areas. This document serves as a foundation for prioritizing improvements and provides clear recommendations for remediation.

How much does it cost to conduct a website audit and how long?

An audit from us costs more than the market average, but when shopping for an audit, know that not all audits are equal. Many inexpensive audits are simply dumping the results of an automated scan into a PDF. This type of report often needs more insight and recommendations on what to do next.

If you’re checking a box and want an inexpensive audit to prove that you’ve done due diligence, then do the cheap audit so you can move on. However, if you want to impact the organization’s web results positively, you should consider alternatives. We’ve designed our audits for organizations that use their website as a tool for their business, often with revenue on the line. Improvements to their sites can mean millions of dollars in lift.

Our website audit costs between $15,000 and $20,000. During our audit, our team members will conduct a comprehensive evaluation using a series of manual and automated tests and check against our proprietary signals of a healthy or unhealthy website. Senior team members will analyze the findings to ensure their experience aligns with our recommendations. Once scheduled, the website audit process takes about two weeks.

How do you get a website audit scheduled?

Contact us so we can talk about your needs! We have some prework to do before getting started, including an initial consultation to understand your objectives and gather the necessary information. We’ll also streamline access to your website’s CMS, analytics, and supporting documentation to ensure a smooth transition to the team.

Anything else?

COLAB’s website audit service is a powerful tool for businesses seeking to enhance their online presence. Providing a comprehensive evaluation and strategic insights empowers you to make informed decisions and set the foundation for continued success.