5 Website Services Our Customers Are Often Surprised That We Provide

Ralph Otto author photo
Ralph Otto Chief Product Officer

Around Virginia, we are often recognized as a web and digital agency that provides results-driven brand and marketing websites through our website design and development services. During a website redesign, we deliver on a standard set of capabilities including strategy, design, development, software engineering, QA/testing, and deployment. While we package these as a single service, we also can fulfill each of these practices individually when our clients need us to. Locally, in our hometown of Richmond, VA, we are probably best known for our WordPress development and Drupal development capabilities.

However, I’m always surprised to hear when current clients aren’t aware of the full range of the services we offer. Below are a few of our lesser-known services:

1. Web Application Development

When companies have seemingly tedious, time-consuming, or impossible tasks, often a web application is the answer. Our team gathers requirements, plans implementation, and creates web applications that make our clients’ businesses more efficient and effective. This includes customer relationship managers (CRM) development, learning management systems (LMS), interactive calculators, map-based search features, interactive experiences, games, intranets, and more.

2. Audits, Assessments, & Consulting

One of our highest value services that few customers know about are our audits, assessments, and consulting services. Our clients get the value of our team’s years of experience in a short, actionable report or presentation. We check for critical errors and opportunities for improvements, providing recommendations on the next steps. This service works great when you need a gut check or aren’t sure why your website isn’t providing the return you expected.

3. Website Support and Improvement

While many digital agencies will build you a new website, few are interested in maintaining and improving your website. Often this is because this is viewed as the less exciting part of the work. However, we see website launches as the first phase of a website or web application. We love seeing our work thrive in the long term and are happy to keep your website up to date.

4. Digital Partnerships

When our clients seek regular improvement to their website capabilities and KPIs, we recommend a digital partnership. This service combines our Website Support and Improvement service with a more proactive approach, tackling both website maintenance as well as feature improvement and regular analysis of website performance. This approach allows us to make more progress towards the goals of the business over time.

5. Digital Transformation

For businesses or nonprofits that are motivated to make major organizational changes, we can work even more closely to achieve digital transformation. We will act as your digital team, supplementing your organization, and supporting your department’s initiatives. We will help guide your team’s adoption of technology to accelerate business outcomes. This includes navigating the complex digital landscape as well as providing support politically when necessary.

Bonus: Our Capabilities

While the above listed services are our primary business lines, we have a wide range of capabilities that often are attached to those services:

  • API Integrations: Along the same vein as web application development, we use Application Programming Interface (APIs) integrations to connect business systems into websites and web applications. API integrations can boost your work efficiency by automating tasks that were once manual or provide you with information you couldn’t pull together before. Workday, Salesforce, Apto, Stripe, Okta, and Hubspot are a few of the services we’re often asked to integrate.
  • WordPress Development: As mentioned, local to Richmond, we’re well known for our custom WordPress development capabilities. We’ve used WordPress since the early versions and know all the do’s and don’ts, including how to minimize site maintenance and make improvements over time.
  • Drupal Development: While we haven’t used Drupal for as many sites as WordPress, we have been using the platform for the majority of COLAB’s existence. We feel very comfortable working with Drupal 7 or Drupal 8 (soon to be Drupal 9) and have the team to back it up.
  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM): We have built a set of tools on both WordPress and Drupal that competes with the capabilities of enterprise content management such as DNN, Sitefinity, Sitecore CMS, and Adobe Experience Manager Sites. We prefer to leverage open source platforms that save on the licensing costs without sacrificing functionality, stability, and ease of use.
  • Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant Skills: We supplement our website and web application development services with explorations into new technology. Voice, for example, is a technology we have leveraged for our customers to achieve thought leadership within their markets.


Let us know if any of these services and capabilities were a surprise. We’d love to hear from you. Give us a call at (804) 433-3582, email [email protected], or fill out our contact form to learn more.